The open mike night on May 29th was great. We had a bout a dozen performers and a number of guests who just listened and enjoyed. The group included three new folks so it is good to see we continue to grow. One of the big hits of the performances was Ivan doing "Ukuleles aren't allowed in Bluegrass". We loved the song so much we added it to the notebook and I uploaded a copy here to the Blog so everyone could practice at home. We also did several songs with Kazoo parts, thanks to Pete for passing out the kazoos, now everyone has one in their Uke Case.
I updated the Table of Contents here so you can see what songs are in the book we use.
At the first Jam in June we also had two new Uke players come to the Jam for the first time. Great to have new folks coming in and seeing the ranks of Ukulele players expanding. The next Jam is on Thursday June 19th.
Thanks - Dave