Wednesday, April 30, 2014

the next meeting is Thursday night, May 1st.  We have some new songs to add to the books, so I hope to get some help from the early arrivers with inserting the new pages.

also, it looks like our second meeting in May will have to move to Wednesday night.  we will discuss that at the next meeting,.  the church has a big event going on May 15th and so will will need to shift our meeting back to Wednesday May 14th.

remember the Open Mike night scheduled for Thursday May 29th.
Plan to do a couple of songs on stage, and bask in the glory of the applause.

I added a new song to the list here, Counting the Hours by Pops Bayless.  We have been enjoying learning to play that one and so I thought you might like to have access to the music at home to practice on your own.

see you Thursday.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The latest Jam was another big success, with five new Jammers joining the group.  The last couple of Jams have been really great.  We have started to share tips and techniques, talking  a lot about finger picking and using different rhythms for songs.  And because we have a core group that has been playing together for a while now we really are starting to sound good on a few of our favorite songs, which is fun.  Of course its also fun when new people come in, telling storied about how they got into playing the uke.

Next meeting will be on Wednesday the 16th.  This is a one time change to Wednesday to accommodate activities at the church.  Thanks so much to the Church of the NAtivity for letting us use the space...Thanks

In May we will be returning to the regular schedule of 1st and 3rd Thursday.
ALSO - In May there is an extra Thursday (the 29st) so we are going to use that day to meet and have an open mike night.  This should be great fun, an excellent opportunity for singles or groups to perform in front of the guaranteed friendliest audience you can find.

We have been working on a song by Pops Bayless lately.  It is a fun song to do, but a little tricky.  I have attached the link to a youtube video of him doing the song, this helps to learn the rhythm and flow of the song.    

Pops Bayless -

And Finally - I have uploaded a Table of Contents for the Songbooks we are using.  So if you are wondering if we have a copy of a particular song you like, you can check the TOC and if not then bring it in to the Jam.